Friday, April 27, 2007

Blog Closing

The time has come to close my blog. It's been fun, it's been real! Hope everyone has a great summer. MY BLOG IS NOW CLOSED


The semester is just about over! During the Semester I have had the opportunity to work in all the Microsoft Office programs and I have learned a great deal. I had the most fun putting my website together! I learned all about excel and how to utilize it in a classroom setting. This is going to be a great tool for the future. This class will definitely benefit me for the future.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

2nd Website Review

Anna Grantham's website is about her favorite recipes. This was a great website for me to review being that there are new recipes on there that I have not tried before. She did a great job on the website and all the coding. One thing I noticed that was missing was the link back to her index.html from her other pages. It's a pretty simple fix to make! Thanks for the recipes Anna.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Website Review

Adrienne Brown's Website is really neat. The appearance of each page is very eye catching with the colors that she used. I looked through her code and didn't see too many issues. A couple problems that could be fixed easily are the naming of her pages and the link back to her homepage from each page. The main page needs to be named index.html. Each picture and webpage can only have letters and numbers in the name of the page; one specification the name must meet is that there should not be any spaces in the names of the pages or the pictures. Be sure to add the button to each page that links back to your homepage (index.html). To do this you would need to take out the button for the actual page you were on and replace it with your index.html link. Overall, I really like the webpage. I can't wait to have a life when school is over this semester! Great job Adrienne!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Seymour Papert

Seymour Papert is known for informing others how technology can provide new ways to learn. He is known world wide and has completed educational projects on just about every continent. Papert now lives in Maine and works at a youth center in Portland.

After researching some other sites on the net, I found that Seymour is a mathematician as well. He is also a founder of two labs: Artificial Intelligence Lab and the MIT Media Lab. He has come up with some pretty crazy ideas on how the education system should be changed.Click Hereto learn more about Seymour Papert.